grunt-jekyll-pages is for anyone working with GitHub Pages. This plugin emulates how Github Pages runs Jekyll in safe mode on Linux or Mac OS. It also provides a number of options (build, serve, watch, etc.) for dev and testing purposes.
The npm package is available publicly.
Getting Started
This plugin requires Node >=0.10
and Grunt >=0.4.0
Jekyll and GitHub Pages (pages-gem) must also be installed. Refer to the Jekyll Installation guide for instructions.
If you haven’t used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide. It explains how to create a Gruntfile, as well as how to install and use Grunt plugins. Once you are familiar with that, install this plugin with this command:
npm i grunt-jekyll-pages --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
Setup your Gruntfile.js
to use any of the options below by adding a section named pages
to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig()
pages: {
options: {
// Task-specific options go here.
your_target: {
// Target-specific file lists and/or options go here.
Use this method to add or append configuration options, targets, etc., to the pages
pages: { // Task
options: { // Universal options
bundleExec: true,
src: '<%= app %>'
dist: { // Target
options: { // Target options
dest: '<%= dist %>',
config: '_config.yml,'
serve: { // Another target
options: {
dest: '.jekyll',
drafts: true
grunt.registerTask('default', ['pages']);
You can use the configuration options available for this plugin. Refer to the Jekyll Documentation for additional options.
Usage Examples
Follow these Grunt examples to get started with grunt-jekyll-pages quickly.
Single Task
This example includes one registered task. grunt verify
generates the site locally and makes it available at
pages: {
preview: {
options: {
serve: true,
host: ''
port: '8080'
grunt.registerTask("verify", ["pages:preview"]);
Multiple Tasks
This example includes two registered tasks. grunt serve
generates the site locally, watches for changes, and makes it available at localhost:4000. grunt test
generates the site and displays on-screen warnings for symlink errors.
pages: {
test: {},
serve: {
options: {
watch: true,
serve: true,
baseurl: ['\"\"']
grunt.registerTask('serve', ['pages:serve']);
grunt.registerTask('test', ['pages:test']);
No Tasks (Raw)
This example has no specific task defined. grunt pages:a
builds Jekyll’s _config.yml
file with a set of specific options, while grunt pages:b
builds the same file with different options.
pages: {
a: {
options: {
config: '_config.yml',
// Construct a string with JavaScript
// Remember line breaks and indentation matter in YAML
raw: 'highlighter: pygments\n' +
'exclude: [\'development\']\n' +
'author:\n' +
' name: ' + fetchAuthor() + '\n' +
' email: ' + fetchEmail()
b: {
options: {
config: '_config.yml',
// Construct a string with JavaScript
// Remember line breaks and indentation matter in YAML
raw: 'highlighter: rouge\n' +
'exclude: [\'production\']\n' +
'author:\n' +
' name: ' + fetchAuthor() + '\n' +
' email: ' + fetchEmail()
Run the following command to test this plugin.
$ grunt test-plugin
Please read the Contributing Guidelines before submitting code. In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.
Release History
See the Release History for enhancements and changes applied to each version.